Monday, April 03, 2006

Dang my knee aches

I don't know what I did to it but it does.

Work was a pain again. I don't know why, but I've been getting more and more irritated with my job lately. Can't quite pinpoint why.


Something I would absolutely LOOOOVE to do is start up my own webcomic. However, that requires two things: Time and money. Neither of which I have. And since Steven and I trying to start a family sometime in the very near future, we'll have even less than that.

Can't think of much else that I want to write about. I'll post another picture sometime soon, but not today. I'm tired, cranky, my head and knee both hurt like demons poking me, and I just want a bath and bed, preferably with my husband to cuddle with.

And I MEAN 'cuddle', not anything shaded into that or in substitution of that, just 'Cuddle'. Growf. I'm gonna go get some food, or I might start chewing on the monitor. Yummy.


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