Saturday, May 27, 2006

Interesting side note here

I recently found out on a webcomic chat board I frequent that another of the comic readers is an avid reader of Mercedes Lackey's works.

She is one of my most favourite authors in the history of ever, and I own almost her entire line of novels, including most of her "Heralds of Valdemar" books, and all (so far) of her "Elemental Mages" novels. The latter are by far my favourites, especially since they take place during my favourite historical era and 're-create', if you will, classic fairytales set to magic in modern times.

If you haven't guessed it yet, I am a seriously addicted fantasy fanatic. Hence I am the Dragon Lover Extraordinaire, besides loving unicorns, gryphons, minotaurs, cat people, you name it.

I am also a Furry and an Anthro. Hee hee hee.


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