Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Big day today

I was on my feet all day today, so I'm just glad to be sitting down now. I was in charge of price reductions, and so I got to know the store VERY well throughout the course of the day. Ugh.

I'm chatting with an old high school friend of mine. She's in class right now, but she has a laptop, so no worries. I wouldn't mind having a laptop, but I wouldn't use it for much besides gaming, chat and blogging. If that. She's taking some computer courses, and apparently doing well.

I've got another picture here that I drew the other day. He's not quite done, but I didn't really have any ideas for finishing him, so I thought I'd show him to you. Steven likes him too.

To a certain extent, I feel like my mind is unravelling. I have all theses ideas and images and feelings crammed in my skull just burning to get out, and I can't even begin to sort them out into a cohesive frame. I have really wild and weird dreams most nights. I've written stories based on a few of them, but they haven't gotten anywhere yet. Most of them are still "in process". I have this one where there are families, in modern society, with ancient abilities to shapeshift into different animals, including some thought only to be mythical or imaginary. The main character is an albino, and she alone, in her entire family and clan, cannot shapeshift. I know where I want to go with it, I just don't know how to get there yet. Sigh.

I've been considering taking some language courses for the last little while, but I want to wait and see how Steven does with the rest of his schooling first.

I think I'm about dried up for origianl speech now. I'm gonna go eat.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I got lots of sugar today!

Of all places to get it, I got it at work too. I absolutely love Rockets to death! I find it kinda funny that Americans call them Smarties...

A friend of ours wants me to make him a Hallowe'en costume. It's April, and he's already thinking Hallowe'en! The crazy thing is, I'm the same way. I'm ALWAYS thinking of new ideas for costumes, how I'd make them, and where I'd wear them, and stuff like that. I actually have some of my designs with me, but I can't put them online right now. I'm not as confident with the scanner as Steven is. Maybe tomorrow...

Our friend is bringing some pizza crusts with him so that we can have an impromptu pizza party. Either that, or he just loves my home-made pizza sauce...

I should wake Steven up so we can eat...

Monday, April 03, 2006

Dang my knee aches

I don't know what I did to it but it does.

Work was a pain again. I don't know why, but I've been getting more and more irritated with my job lately. Can't quite pinpoint why.


Something I would absolutely LOOOOVE to do is start up my own webcomic. However, that requires two things: Time and money. Neither of which I have. And since Steven and I trying to start a family sometime in the very near future, we'll have even less than that.

Can't think of much else that I want to write about. I'll post another picture sometime soon, but not today. I'm tired, cranky, my head and knee both hurt like demons poking me, and I just want a bath and bed, preferably with my husband to cuddle with.

And I MEAN 'cuddle', not anything shaded into that or in substitution of that, just 'Cuddle'. Growf. I'm gonna go get some food, or I might start chewing on the monitor. Yummy.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Some of mine

It's interesting what having a job can do to your life. You lose sleep, time, money (in my case anyway) and sometimes sanity. But then, I never claimed to be sane, so that last is moot.

I got home around 5:30 this afternoon, and just vegged on the computer. I like to play computer games (as I said last time) and there's quite a few out there worth playing. I'm partial to word games and puzzles, but I like to go for the occasional strategy or action game. And believe it or not, I actually enjoyed playing Doom II when I was younger. Don't let my mom know.

I found some of my older drawings that I made when I got bored in church a few months ago. My husband actually encouraged me to make them, because he didn't want me to pick my fingers so much. Here's a couple.
The blue one is called Chobar (don't ask) and it was Steven's idea to colour him blue with red highlights. Personally, I'm rather proud of how his 'armour' turned out.
The one on the right is called D'thil (because I said so, that's why!) and he's loosely based on some runner dinosaurs I saw some pictures of once upon a time. You definitely don't want to ride this beastie: His spine is so prominent and sharp it leaves ridges when he scratches his back on a rock!
I have some other pictures hiding somewhere in our No Man's Land of an apartment, so maybe I'll post some more pix as I go. Don't hesitate to tell me what you think. And before anyone asks, yes I drew these, no I did not copy anything, and yes they ALL come out of my imagination, which is seriously in need of an overhaul. Grrff.

I have to admit this is great stress relief for me. I was about ready to bite someone at work this afternoon, but she went home before I got the chance. Now I'm home with my husband, and I feel so much better. Not to mention that I get to be as weird as I want with this blog, and no one will look at me funny. Or if you do look at me funny, I'll never know and probably laugh at me too. Did I mention that I like to draw dragons and dragon-creatures?